There IS a reason why these events keeping showing up, and we'll go into that in a minute. But first, the solution!
First, take a deep breath and relax.
Make a point not to react the way you usually do. Do you notice something significant about that word --re-ACT? Acting again, the same way? That's what we do, and that's where we get stuck, time and time again.

This may seem like a small thing, but trust me, it's not. Have you ever heard the expression, "Nothing changes, if nothing changes?" It applies here.
Now, ask yourself a question.
Einstein said, "I think the most important question facing humanity is, is the Universe a friendly place? This is the first and most basic question all people must answer for themselves." Once we make the decision for ourselves, we will see the Universe conspire to prove us right.
If I have decided that the Universe is a friendly place, then it follows that I can assume that solutions and resources, and blessings and beautiful outcomes are forthcoming. I can then do all that I am capable of doing, while staying aligned with my decision that the Universe is a friendly place, and then surrender the rest to the Universe. When we surrender to the Universe, we are tapping into an infinite number of possibilities. We can ask for a specific outcome, using our imagination and senses to allow ourselves to experience that outcome in a moment in time. Feel the feeling that you'll believe you'll feel when your desired outcome manifests. Spend as much time there as you can, and then release it to the Universe, with the prayer, "This or something better."
Our only other option is to rely solely on our limited material resources, which are typically a reflection of what is and what HAS been. But that's not been working because you are here again! If you feel anxious or fearful or worried, you are cutting yourself off from the unlimited potential that the Universe wants to give you. A Course in Miracles says that the presence of fear is a sure sign that you are trusting in your own strength. There's nothing wrong with being self-reliant, but there are times when we don't have the ability to manage all the moving parts of an issue.
When I insist on managing all the details in an attempt to bring about a desired outcome to a situation (PROBLEM), I cause myself to feel fear and frustration and anxiety. There are details that are out of my control, that only the Universe can affect. I always have a choice in the moment -- to focus my attention on all that could prevent my desired outcome, i.e. 'go wrong,' or to focus my attention on my chosen belief, that the Universe is a friendly place and is always conspiring in my favor.
From Re-ACTing to Responding
When we are reACTing to a situation, we are in, our consciousness is in the fight or flight state. There's no consideration or contemplation - we do what we've always done. When we take a moment to breathe and recenter our focus, we move into the state of restful awareness, creating space in that moment for the solution to be available to us.
This changes what comes next, from what's always been to what now can be.
Wherever there is a "problem," the solution is close by as well.
But we won't see that if we are engaging in the same reaction. It is helpful to take a moment to examine what we are thinking in the moment. What are you afraid of? How do you feel when this problem shows up? Are you projecting consequences in the future? What's going on inside you when this problem shows up?

Einstein said, "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it." Our thoughts and fears are creative -- chances are, this situation reflects the way I typically (unconsciously?) think and behave. And those behaviors are almost always driven by beliefs and experiences that are buried deep in our subconscious.
Now we come to the part about "why" this keeps happening.
I hope that when you asked yourself the question about whether the Universe is friendly or not, that you decided that it is. Because it is -- each of us is loved unconditionally and cherished without question. Like any loving parent, the Universe wants us to thrive and grow and prosper, and it has set up a fail safe system to show us where we have blind spots -- blind spots are areas where we are unconscious about our belief in lack in all its many illusory forms. Because we are created in the image of the Creator, we are imbued with its powers of creation, through thought and feeling. We can be, do and have anything, but very few of us are brought up "knowing" -- most of us are raised "doubting." Experiencing the pain of lack-based thoughts gets our attention, eventually. It's that pain that makes us finally stop and say, "There's got to be a better way."

When it continues to show up, there's a message there.
When we understand this, and embrace it as the loving help from the Universe that it is meant to be, we can choose to take a different tack and change the outcome. Eventually, the circumstances stop recurring because we allow the Universe to work WITH us by allowing it to work THROUGH us.
I am a spiritual teacher, writer and speaker. As a practical mystic and wisdom synthesizer,
my passion is to articulate all that I have learned first-hand over the last 30
years, about the spiritual laws of our world, in my own personal and life-long
search to better understand how it all works and how to live a happier, more
peaceful, joyful and abundant life.
I welcome your comments, and I relish the opportunity to clarify the information that I offer, and answer any questions you may have. Email me at
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