It’s finally here – 2012! The year we’ve all been hearing so much about, has finally arrived. There are many questions and fears around 2012 – the Mayan calendar supposedly ends on December 21, 2012 (I have heard reports that contradict that). The Mayans say that time as we know it is coming to an end, and others interpret that to mean the world itself is ending.
2012 is also an astronomical event -- and it only comes around every 26,000 years.
Conjecture aside, what might this mean to each of us, individually and as a whole?
Transcendence and transformation are the watchwords for 2012. And when we look at what’s been going on in our world, especially in terms of our governing and financial systems, we can see that huge change is afoot. It appears that we are taking back our power, as individuals, and as a collective. No more status quo – if something doesn’t serve the greater good, it will be transformed so that it does. This is true at a global level, as well as nationally and individually. Everything is connected so when one thing changes, it causes a ripple effect and everything must adapt.
Everything is connected. There is no separation, but the state of the world reflects a belief in separation -- separation from each other, from God, from Spirit and Matter. It is time to return to a state of Unity, to remember that we are all One -- that there is only One of us here, in many different physical bodies.
What does this mean for you as an individual? You’re probably feeling a little nervous reading this, or maybe anxious or downright scared. The good news is, there’s a message in that feeling – fear of any kind indicates underlying beliefs that are not in harmony with your true identity as the powerful child of The Creator that you came here to be. Often, we have adopted ideas and beliefs as our own, as we grow up in our families of origin, become indoctrinated in our religious traditions and educational systems, and conform to society’s memes. You have probably become aware of the internal struggle between fitting in and standing out – between conforming and walking your own path. At some point in life, many of us choose, in one way or another, to shake off our manacles of mindlessness and take “the road less taken.”
Welcome to the event that is 2012 – and it is an event whose energy began to build long before we became aware of the date. The energy of 2012 is one of cooperation, compassion, empowerment and The Heart. It is an end to the dominance of the Human Ego – an aspect of Self that has been in “the driver’s seat” for too long. Ego’s intended function is that of advisor – experiencing life and discerning preferences. The Heart is the Master – it’s where Spirit and Matter come together to make choices that are in alignment with grace, respect and unconditional love.
Unity is the message.
2012 is a process – while we may have become consciously aware of it in the last 8-10 years, the process began long ago. There have been notable milestones along the way, many in recent memory – the Spiritualist movement of the late 19th and early 20th century (with authors like Florence Scovel Shinn, Emmet Fox, Rudolf Steiner and Neville Goddard, to name a few); the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi library in the mid-20th century; the 1960’s (‘nough said); the discovery in late 1977 of the astrological planet Chiron, “The Wounded Healer,” which is also known as the bridge between body and spirit; the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 (many, including this author received their spiritual awakening in 1987); the rapid evolution of quantum physics in the 90’s and with it, the expanding awareness that our world is not solid and feelings and thoughts affect the world around us; and on into the 21st century we go!
All of this supports our evolution because our goal is to remember our true identity – we are Spirit having a Human experience. We are extensions of God, individuated into physical bodies for the express purpose of experiencing life from every angle, aspect and perspective that could possibly exist, so that eventually each soul experiences Self-Actualization and ultimately, a return to the God-head. As we continue to awaken and remember, at some point we can, do and will embody Christ Consciousness – but first we each are given opportunities to master our thoughts, beliefs and feelings, so that our foundation is built on love, not fear; on faith and hope, not doubt. More and more, as we transmute our thoughts, feelings and beliefs of fear to thoughts, feelings and beliefs of love, we will encounter the sublime experience of embodying Christ Consciousness.
The Body is the vehicle for attraction and creation – all that we require to craft a world of love, harmony, joy and peace is within us now. As we acknowledge our thoughts, feelings and beliefs in that which is not in alignment with the Unconditional Love that created us, we can choose thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are in alignment with All That Is, with Who We Really Are and create a world that is an out-picturing of that vibration.
In the Canonical Gospels, Jesus talks to his disciples about this process. Jesus says, “Neither do men put new wine into old bottles; else the bottles break, and the wine runneth out and the bottles perish; but they put new wine into new bottles, and both are preserved.” Matthew 9:17. The bottles represent out bodies, and the wine represents feelings and thoughts. Man represents consciousness, so as we change our consciousness, we change our beliefs, and feelings and thoughts – and the nature of our bodies, the quality of our bodies change as a result.
We are experiencing a shift in our foundation. Those whose foundations are built on rock – that which is real and true, the union of Spirit and Matter, our true identity as God within the body – will experience more peace and harmony. Those whose foundations are built on earth – only those things that we can experience with our five physical senses, and giving our power away – will likely experience more turmoil and chaos.
But we can’t make changes if we aren’t aware of the current dynamic, can we? So Life is helping us to become aware of where we are at any given moment, so that we can choose something better and more loving. When we return to a state of Unity -- relinquish our beliefs in separation -- everything transforms, and we transcend the limitations of this world of form.
This is the message of 2012 – we are moving from a time of Egoic domination into a time of Unity, compassion and cooperation. So maybe the Mayans had it right – it is the end of time as we know it!
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