Monday, February 4, 2013

Faith and The Law of Attraction

I recently had dinner with a man who told me he didn’t believe in an afterlife.  He is a widower, for almost two years now, and it was clear from the strain on his face, in his voice and in his carriage, the years had exacted a toll.  He made it clear that he was moving on with his life, and shared with me several business opportunities that were coming his way.  But the sense I got from him was resignation – resentful resignation.  In fact, at one point he said, “It wasn’t supposed to be like this; I can’t believe this is where I am at this stage of my life.”  I sensed sadness, yes, but mostly resentment and confusion.  Well into the evening, I asked him, “Do you think you ever hear from your wife?”  That’s when he told me he didn’t believe in an afterlife – he said, “I know I’ll never see her again.”  It kind of took my breath away – it was rather shocking.  I asked him how he would feel if he knew he would see her again, and his measured gaze seemed to indicate that was a moot point.  The ensuing conversation told me that he’s a left-brained guy – he would have to have proof of an afterlife before he’d believe it.  I cited hundreds of books by those who have had near death experiences – many of whom were children under the age of 6.  He attributed those experiences to chemical processes in the brain or very lively imaginations.  Like me, he was raised in the Catholic tradition, and I reminded him that one of the main attraction points about Catholicism was its promise of an afterlife – that’s where our heavenly reward lies (according to Catholic dogma).  Even then, he rejected the idea.

Here was someone who, growing up, had received all the teachings, and followed the rules, like going to Mass on Sunday – this was something he’d started again after his wife had died.  He said he found comfort in the familiarity.  I asked him about his faith, and it wasn’t a topic he was keen to discuss.  He seemed to indicate that faith didn’t enter into it.

I felt sadness for him – but like so many of us, he’d been indoctrinated into the process, teachings and rules but never developed the faith at the same time.

How many of us struggle with faith?  According to Webster’s dictionary, one of the definitions of faith is, “firm belief in something for which there is no proof.”  In the canonical Bible, the Book of Hebrews, chapter 11, verse 1 says, “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”  Some say faith is too risky.  Ironically, we would rather keep our expectations low, believing that will lessen the feeling of disappointment. 

Faith is an important element in our deliberate and conscious collaboration with The Law of Attraction.  Manifesting is about more than getting stuff – it’s a journey to the Heart of the Spiritual Being that you really are.  And faith is an aspect of our Human nature which must be nurtured and exercised.  For many of us, for whom faith was not a strong part of our religious education, faith is like an atrophied muscle.  We haven’t used it, so it’s pretty weak. When a muscle is weak from little use, you strengthen it by using it – same with faith. 

Start with something that you perceive to be ‘small,’ something that doesn’t create resistance within you.  Focus on believing that the object of your faith will manifest, whether it’s a smooth commute to work, or an outcome that would be fun to experience – something that you don’t feel strongly about, it would be a bonus if it played out the way you want it to.  Imagine your desired outcome as though it has already come to fruition – how do you feel as you are imagining it?  Do you feel good?  Happy?  Delighted?  Are you smiling?  Do you feel lighter?

Now, pay attention going forward – the length of time may vary.  Look for evidence that your goal is manifesting.  More importantly, stay in a place that feels good – look for reasons to feel good, even if those reasons don’t appear to have anything to do directly with your manifestation.  Remember, you are working your faith muscle – the outcome isn’t even what’s important!  It’s learning how it feels as you are exercising your faith muscle.  This process is bringing you into alignment with your true essence, which is All That Is on the physical plane.  Like, when you are working out, you pay attention to that feeling we call ‘the burn.’  The burn tells you where you are in the workout process – it tells you the level of strength or fatigue that the muscle is experiencing.  It’s an indicator.

As you exercise your faith muscle more and more, you will start to see evidence of that which is unseen.

The feeling does not have to strong – it can be as even-keel as contentment.  The key is to recognize when you are feeling resistance and letting that go by turning your attention to something that makes you feel good.  Continue to focus on your faith, that all is well and you are in alignment.

Through this exact method, I was able to avoid losing my home after several months of being unable to my mortgage, and to manifest enough money to continue to work from home while healing from an unexpected illness. 

I’ve walked the talk, and I’m honored to share it with you here.

Faith is a strong thread in the fabric of religious tradition, and it’s also about learning to trust ourselves through the process.  Faith helps us to get in touch with our inner applications.  Few of us are taught how to recognize and use these gifts, like intuition and discernment.  Faith helps us to recognize the unseen.  Many times in my process over the years, through pushing myself to stay in faith, I’ve exclaimed, “So that’s what that is!”

Faith puts our focus back where it belongs – inside us, rather than outside of us and on things, people and institutions that may or may not be in alignment with our Divine Essence.  Many of us put our trust into the things of this world – material things which shift and change, come and go.  The First Commandment says, “You shall have no other gods before me.”  In this Commandment, All That Is tells us that if we put our faith in the things of the material world, rather than putting our trust in the Spiritual and the unseen, we are headed for pain and suffering. 

Like the man in my story, when we rely only on the physical – needing proof that satisfies our physical senses – for our sustenance, we cause ourselves pain, suffering, and lack.  Faith leads us back to our connection, to Love, and it is essential in the manifesting process, spelled out in the very simple Law of Attraction.

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There is so much more to who you are and the life you are living, than you know!  If you are feeling a desire to expand and broaden your horizons ~ to develop a deeper understanding of Life, to get out from under the burden of fear or worry or sadness, to feel the power of your true Divine Essence ~ join me every week on BlogTalkRadio.  Don’t accept things as they are; don’t resign yourself to a life of ‘as good as it’s going to get.’  Listen to that inner voice – a new life is just waiting for you!

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