I have been working through this presentation, for almost 6 months. It’s what I do. I get an idea and it rolls around in my
psyche until it boils down to a core idea, a launching point. And I have come to the understanding that making a decision -- a decisive act -- is imperative to experiencing significant change in my life. It opens the way for miraculous occurrences.
We come from the Creator, and we are endowed with the same creative abilities and tools as our Source. (And by the way, this is not about religious affiliation, rather, it's about the broader perspective of the purpose of life and why we exist.) We have the power to create a wonderful life, filled with peace, harmony, joy and love. We create with our thoughts and our emotions, when we join those to produce a feeling. Those feelings act as an organizing mechanism to bring order to the particles of matter around us. That may sound a bit 'woo-woo' but Western science has proven this is true. I'll be talking about it at the August 22 class.You can imagine, then, what a powerful role our beliefs play in that creation process. After all, our beliefs drive us and determine what thoughts we focus on and what thoughts we discard. Sadly, most of us are not consciously aware of what we believe, let alone why we believe what we believe -- or that our thoughts are creative. As a result, we live our lives as they come, being buffeted around by the winds of change, by others' expectations, by institutions and entities with agendas that are probably not in alignment with individual creativity. We feel anger, sadness and regret about our past, and we worry about our future. We believe that it is our lot in life to play the hand we are dealt, prepare for the worst and hope for the best -- and that our eternal reward comes after we leave this earthly vessel.
But ancient scriptures and writings, from cultures and peoples in the remote past, tell us that we are here to create for ourselves. And they tell us that everything we require to do that, we already have inside us. Creating is our birthright, it is our purpose. And now, at this time in the evolution and history of mankind, we are being challenged individually and as a species, to create "a new heaven and a new earth."
You can do it, too. All you may need is a slight shift in perspective.
Choice versus Decision
Creating is about making a decision. Life is full of possibilities, and we discern our preferences through our life experiences, and that influences our choices.
there’s a significant difference between a choice and a decision.
word “choice” comes from the Old English word ceosan, meaning to seek out, try, test, taste, and approve. In my perspective, this implies
flexibility. There is always the option
to choose again, leaving endless room for possibilities in our life.
to Webster’s Dictionary, a decision means ‘to bring to an end.’ It derives from the Latin decidere – de- “off” and caedere “to
cut.” So literally translated, to decide
means to cut off.
crux of the class that I am currently working on, is this: Each of us must decide for ourselves (to
quote Albert Einstein), “whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile
universe.” Because those are the only
two options we have. For example, in my own life, it boils
down to my perception of my personal deity, God. Do I believe that God loves me
unconditionally, or not? The better I feel about that relationship, the more confident I feel about myself and my ability to craft my destiny.
decision about what we believe is always ours, no matter what our past experiences have been, no
matter what others around us may or may not believe. And we can change our beliefs any time. Yes, we can deliberately change what we believe -- it's a process, that's true, but we are always supported in this endeavor. And with enough attention to my new beliefs and practicing those new beliefs consistently, over time belief becomes knowing.
to believe that God loves me unconditionally has led to miracles occurring in
my life, almost on a daily basis. That’s
because when I decide to believe, all other options retreat back into
nothingness. This belief shifts how I
see the world, how confident I feel, how strong my faith is, how connected I
feel to hope and optimism and determination.
to “A Course in Miracles,” the Holy Spirit tells us that a miracle is a shift
in perception. "A miracle is
a correction. It does not create, nor really change at all. It merely looks on
devastation, and reminds the mind that what it sees is false. It
undoes error, but does not attempt to go beyond perception, nor exceed the
function of forgiveness. Thus it stays within time's limits. Yet it paves the
way for the return of timelessness and love's awakening, for fear must slip
away under the gentle remedy it brings.”
I decide to believe that I am loved unconditionally and that I am here on
purpose, I am free to be, do and have anything I desire. The chains and shackles disappear, and life
feels brighter and lighter.
you are in the Richmond area on August 22, I hope you’ll come to this class at
The Alchemists at Stony Point Fashion Park.
I will offer wonderful, uplifting supplemental information about this
topic, from many sources. It is my
deepest hope, strongest passion and fervent desire to assist humanity to awaken
and become aware of the truth of who we are and where we come from, so that we
may co-create a new heaven and a new earth for ourselves, our children and
generations to come.
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